Anécdotas: vida,
actualidad y cultura
Spanish for Dual Language,
Heritage, and Native Speakers
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Anécdotas is an innovative and specialized program for Spanish for Native and Heritage Speakers classes in the U.S. Our approach is unique, student and teacher friendly, as well as rigorous in developing oral language, writing, and social-cultural competence skills needed to succeed in the classroom and the career path of their choice.
We offer an integrated and inquiry-based program where each unit offers authentic texts, real-world applications, innovative learning in context that promotes bilingualism, biliteracy and biculturalism to support states that award the Seal of Biliteracy.
With a thematic based approach, all language components and various text types connect and align to the ACTFL World Readiness Standards and prepare students for AP®/ IB® and college and career.